Please first watch the film: Osteoarthritis - identify the cause and cure it. 8 min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8gA-oairRU
Arthrosis - The path to self-healing, E. Fisseler, Hans Nietsch Verlag, ISBN 978-3-86264-3, €25.00
the Pral table "Acid-base balance" Eat right - achieve healthy balance, Jürgen Vormann GU Verlag €7.00 ISBN 978-3-8338-1148-7
The arthrosis lie: Why most people suffer for nothing - and what you can do about it - With the sensational self-help program €13.99
Pleasure without regrets - The book Pleasure without regrets for arthrosis, allergies and other protein storage diseases Alkaline vital food without animal protein ISBN 789-3-00-051532-3 €24.80
Cell energy is life energy ISBN 978-3-92843-0517 by B. Schmitt & Dr. D. Schmitt €24.80
Gut with charm - everything about an underestimated organ, Giulia Anders, Ullstein Verlag ISBN 978-3-550-08041-8 €17.00
Fit for life - fit for life, Havey and Marilyn Diamond, Goldmann Verlag ISBN 978-3-442-13533-2 €10.00
Guide for people with disabilities, order no. A 712,
publikationen@bundesregierung.de, http://www.bmas.de €0.00 Federal Government publications, PO Box 481009, 18132 Rostock
People with disabilities at work, https ://www.lwl-integrationsamt.de/publikationen/publikationen_bestellen €0.00
Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe, Freiherr-vom-Stein-Platz 1, 48133 Münster E-Mail: lwl@lwl.org Internet: www.lwl.org Guide for severely disabled people, https://broschueren.nordrheinwestfalendirekt.de/broschuerenservice/mais/ratgeber-fuer-schwerbehinderte